Allgemein Continous Integration Javascript Jenkins

Krama, Jenkins and Bitbucket colluding continuous integration

Having an automatic build process, high grade unit and integration tests and a CI (continuous integration) system helps to enforce a certain level of quality. Runtraction is a Javascript HTML5 based mobile (web) application. It was scaffolded using Yeoman utilizing:

  • Yo for scaffolding the intial project structure and additional components,
  • Grunt for build automation and
  • Bowers dependency management.

The Yo utility creates Karma tests suites beside the source and various other artifacts. Karma integrates well with several CI products like Jenkins CI and Travis CI. Travis CI provides a free continuous integration service and pthe integration into an own project is just a matter of adding an appropriate .travis.yml configuration file.

The Runtraction source code lives at Bitbucket.

So everything seems to be fine – but unfortunately Travis CI is very tightened to Github so it is not possible to use it from Bitbucket directly. Furthermore there is no service trigger for Tavis CI in Bitbucket too.