„Mastering AngularJS Directives“ by Josh Kurz is a deep dive into the magic of writing directives using the AngularJS framework by Google. This review is based on the eBook which was amply sponsored by Packt Publishing. The book is divided into nine chapters on roughly 200 pages.
Schlagwort: Book Review

Thanks to Packt Publishing I have got a free ebook copy of „Scala for Java Developers„.
All Java code samples are covered by the features of the Java language specification whereas the upcoming functional extensions of Java 8 are not part of the discourse.
Review / Summary
The book “Scala for Java Developers” by Thomas Alexandre is an introduction to the Scala language from a Java Developers perspective. It does not explain basic programming paradigms like object orientation beside a very small wrap up of the functional paradigm as it might not be well known to every Java coder. The book is organized into 10 sections which should be read in order and mostly build upon each other.